Speaking at the Scrumday Oviedo

Last Saturday I was speaking in the ScrumDay Oviedo, just 30 km away from my home city (Gijon) hehehe. I was invited by Raul Herranz and his company Utopica Informatica.

My talk title could be translated to “Five advices to improve doing Scrum” (slides in Spanish), despite talking about Scrum, the advices could be apply to any Agile practice.


Antonio de la Torre did a good sketch to summarize the talk :)


Was a little bit difficult speak in Spanish, I don’t use the language for work since 6 years ago, so I don’t know if some of the terms are translated or not, and it’s not easy to find the right word.

The people asked a lot of questions about Continuous Delivery, they were very interested about the topic. At the end I was happy with the result, is good to contribute back in some way to your home community.

I spent the rest of the day as public, were I really enjoyed the talk by Angélica and the care that Javier Alonso puts in the design of the slides.

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I usually try to mingle and meet new people in these kind of events but this time I was so happy to talk with old friends that I forgot that part for a bit. Overall, a really nice experience that I hope I can repeat.

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December 16, 2014
226 words


scrum agile


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