Some weeks ago in the Gophers Slack Community somebody asked about how to do authentication, for a http server in Go. I could make up a gist, based in a web application that I had from some months ago. But, I decided to put everything together and realease a simple library to do Authentication based in a configurable store.
I named Auth, not very original name, but at least it shows the purpose.
Some of the features are:
compatibleThe following example is using net/http
to secure the path /secure
package main
import (
func main() {
// Using BoltDB to store the users
db, err := bolt.Open("usersdb", 0600, &bolt.Options{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Can not open the database", err)
defer db.Close()
boltStore, err := store.NewBoltStore(db, "users")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Can not create bolt store", err)
// check for the JWT options
options := jwt.Options{
SigningMethod: "RS256",
PrivateKey: Private, // $ openssl genrsa -out app.rsa keysize
PublicKey: Public, // $ openssl rsa -in app.rsa -pubout >
Expiration: 60 * time.Minute,
// creates the route with Bolt and JWT options
authRoute := auth.NewAuthRoute(boltStore, options)
http.HandleFunc("/login", authRoute.Login)
http.HandleFunc("/signin", authRoute.Signin)
// protects this handle
http.Handle("/secure", authRoute.AuthHandlerFunc(SecurePlace))
http.ListenAndServe(":1212", nil)
func SecurePlace(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
userId := auth.GetUserId(req)
token := auth.GetToken(req)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hey %v you have a token %v", userId, token)
To use it, you can do some http request to try it, for example:
$ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:1212/signin" -d'
> {
> "email": "",
> "password": "justTest123"
> }'
$ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:1212/login" -d'
> {
> "email": "",
> "password": "justTest123"
> }'
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost:1212/secure"
Error no token is provided
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0MjU0MDcyMTksImlhdCI6MTQyNTQwMzYxOSwic3ViIjoiZGFoZXJuYW5AZGFoZXJuYW4uY29tIn0.inRfTdlPZ4dKbHY2dHzTqmyBzLIW9_52oc8NFh_yfnrVEdCzfIAIHIVo_7cksUdUdQ4yMciy-JbuQc8hECx31a3RDNkH2iUSDaueZqM0nJaHsWdLAtO_8nz_zX6AqxPPP-cTb5Qjw3R8cmsrFTwpqTn7agDxgypn7NxFW67WIq_XcjH9Ev9VKFqC7AoV9wo2noX6l42JL_338UoNib3K--cUKTeJdCjygj-LH2TBobG9t3Wn55rFmr1oVfKMOTVx1eJpRl376tUemD-IXxCN0ZG788TLihLhXolbumnHzJ13AzriQEHTOc2GKtwT5M-DqEpj9lhV6uu6clPRFRs9O2PB82t4LkuhWra62-h9_R7fBaCN1-ni03RI-tXKUpWz1XFfcbHzCXzFOhl0fb_h_xpx-xEDKFbEE6JDQowxIIFNTIElv7kz0wke_QUddK1Lz--StMr2BS9Q3h3Xk1XC0dgHsSfZDvF-qbud-asUbaoaokNlsAm0kwUSMTJ_oBi1" -XGET "http://localhost:1212/secure"
Hey you have a token
You can implement your own store, you only have to implement this interface:
type UserRepository interface {
Signin(email, pass string) (string, error)
Login(email, pass string) (string, error)
UserByEmail(email string) (User, error)
I think the library is ideal to implement a little Authentication Microservice.